Structured Wiring "Structured Wiring" is the term used when all your communications cabling is planned out and controlled from a central point. This would be the computer network, cable-tv, and telephone wiring all coming to one point on the premises, so that any future changes or re-configuration can be simplified. It can be as simple as all the wiring coming to one closet in the house, where any splitters and network switches live, to a full blown panel mounted in the wall that houses everything neat and clean. Then when an employee moves from one office to another, changing their telephone extension and any other data lines are a simple matter of swapping a short patch cable. Or little Johnny gets a couple bad grades and he is grounded from the TV and internet, you simply unplug his connections back at the panel until the next report card. Maybe it's time for some security cameras around the house, that you want to be able to view on the TV's or across the internet. We have experience with both wired and wireless solutions for most needs, and as always, at a fair and resonable price. |